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WEBSITE Development

what is website development

What is website development ?

  • Building the structure: This uses code to define the content and layout of the website. The most common languages are HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). HTML structures the content and CSS makes it look visually appealing.
  • Adding functionality: This involves using programming languages like JavaScript to create interactive elements on the web page. For example, a contact form or a map requires JavaScript for functionality.
  • Web design: While website development focuses on the technical aspects, web design focuses on the look and feel of the website. However, they are often intertwined.

There are different areas of focus within website development:

  • Front-end development: This deals with the user-facing part of the website, what users see and interact with.
  • Back-end development: This focuses on the server-side functionality that makes the website work. It involves databases and programming languages like Python or PHP.

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